“As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.”
~ Winnie The Pooh
How it all started…
Once upon a time, three best friends escaped for an impomptu 36-hour run-away-from-home adventure, and after hours of cocktail-induced, tear-streaming belly laughs rediscovered our balance (and dreamt up this blog!). Being a fire-wife, or any first-responder/shift-work partner, can be lonely, have it’s challenges, and stress even the strongest of relationships. It’s an experience very few can truly understand, so finding your tribe amongst the other women holding it down at home is one of the greatest gifts life has given us.
This deep friendship and love for family, travel, food and all things self-discovery fueled our desire to share with others what we’ve coined the “2-2-2 Rule” for surviving (and thriving) in a fire-marriage without completely losing yourself.
So, for all those fire/first-responder wives navigating the shift-life — staying at home or balancing their own careers, being mamas to tiny humans and fur-babies, acting as home-school “teachers”, short-order cooks, housecleaners, and generally just holding it down – this blog’s for you!
~Moni, Gaby & Chels